

The Diana Ross Project is a track-by-track analysis of the entire Diana Ross discography.  Founded in January of 2012, the goal is to go album-by-album, assessing each song released as part of the singer’s studio output (both as a Supreme, and solo).  Who am I?  A journalist, a writer, and most importantly, a lifelong fan interested in discussing Diana Ross.  Not Diana Ross the entertainer…the personality…the diva who demands being called “Miss Ross.”  Here, we’re talking about the one who’s most often overlooked…Diana Ross, the singer.

This site is full of my opinions.  You won’t always agree.  And that’s cool.  I want your opinions, too.  As long as we’re discussing Diana Ross as a musician and artist…let’s have at it.  Her vocal work has been ignored for far too long, don’t you think?

Feedback?  Contact Paul Milliken at dianarossproject@gmail.com

66 Responses to About/Contact

  1. Alan Trevor says:

    Congratulations on your wonderful site!

    About time someone came along who wants to discuss MUIC by Diana Ross – not her gowns, hair or reputation!

    I think a good idea would be to attach reviews [good, bad or indifferent] to your album reviews.

  2. Paul says:

    Thanks Alan! I’m excited to really get into Diana’s discography and explore some of her lesser-known albums and tracks. Thanks for the feedback — I’ll take your advice about adding easier-to-understand reviews at the end of my write-ups on each album!

  3. Alan Trevor says:

    Thanks Paul – will look out for your posts!


  4. Billy "Ross" says:

    Anything info on my Diva…I ABSOLUTELY want to know..Sign me up please…(in my Diana Ross voice)………….

  5. Twan says:

    Just discovered your site and am passing it along to several other true, objective and die-hard Diana Ross fans. Thank you for your dedication and time to this, for preserving the legacy of music that merits proper rational discourse and for providing an objective forum for fans to do the aforementioned. Pls add my email to your list and pat yourself on the back, man, for executing an idea and a job well done! Re: Diana Ross (1970)–the end of “Reach Out and Touch” where Mother sings: “why don’t YOU….” KILLS ME when she hits that high “YOU”. go play it. and I can’t wait for your take on “A Simple Thing Like Cry” from Surrender (1971)..the ad-libbing at the end. Uh-oh….watch out! Later, man.

    Hell’s Kitchen
    Manhattan, NY

  6. Antje says:

    What a task – and so well accomplished! I am thrilled to read your profound analysis of DR’s music and am eager for your comments to come, though for my favorite albums I will have to wait quite a while.
    May I suggest to include reviewing tracks from the Extended Hip-O-Select-Editions? For example, “I’ll be here” ranks high in my all-time no1 tunes, found on “Last time …- expanded”. The original album itself, by the way, contributed to the fact that I dropped out of fan ship for about 30 years …. But as already stated, tastes differ.
    Thank you again – such a great pleasure reading your blog!

  7. Antje says:

    I hadn’t listened to “Ain’t no mountain … ” in decades. When I did some time ago, it still knocked me off – a song and a performance truly defining a category of their own.
    Paul Riser, who arranged the song, said it was probably his favorite work …

    And listen to those wonderful bongas on “Something on my mind” – must be Eddie “Bongo” Brown. What a shame that these days they are replaced with synthezisers, as on “I want you” from the “I love you” album.

  8. Paul says:

    Antje — thanks for the comments and stopping by! Once I am done going through all of the original releases of DR’s albums, I plan on going back and doing the Hip-o re-releases. There are some awesome unreleased tracks that I can’t wait to get to — especially on the second disc of “Last Time I Saw Him.” I especially love “Let Me Be The One” and, as you mentioned, “I’ll Be Here.”

    I’m so glad you posted about Paul Riser’s love of “Ain’t No Mountain…” — I’d never heard that before, but I’m not surprised — he should be proud of his amazing arrangement of that classic! And I so agree…the live instruments were SORELY missing on “I Love You” — which would have been SO MUCH STRONGER had the tracks been a little better produced!

  9. you have NO idea how excited I am to actually sit down and read through this, while listening to said albums of course. Huge fan and never can find people to inanely (insanely?) talk about it with…thank you for this ;-D

  10. Joe Quintana says:

    I’m incredibly impressed by the reviews of Ms. Ross’ extensive and varied collection. My introduction to Diana came from my Mother, who absolutely adores her and has been playing her music since I was in the womb- so naturally not only do I respect her as a singer but there are other sentimental factors involved. I’m definitely forwarding this site to her as well.

    It’s a shame that just because her voice often has lightness it is considered “weak” or thin”, in my opinion, Diana has this incredible ability to phrase her wording and sounds like crystal while maintaining a class and elegance rarely seen in music either then or now. Nice to see her getting her due through this blog.

    • Paul says:

      Thank you so much, Joe. I couldn’t agree more — people who think Diana has a “weak” voice are just not familiar with the diversity of her work. She is incredibly talented and deserves so much more credit. I’m so glad you found this little corner of the Internet 🙂

  11. Dean says:

    Well done on an excellent site, Paul. As a fan of Diana’s music it’s really allowed me to revisit many of her albums with fresh ears. My first Diana Ross purchase was the CD single of Force Behind the Power which still remains an all time favourite of mine – although I’m not sure if thats more about the song or the nostalga!

    Your reviews of Take Me Higher and Ross (1983) were spot on and I haven’t stopped playing them since. Gone would have to be a career highlight and Ross was a sorely under appreciated gem, particularly against much of her 80’s output.

    I pretty much agree with almost every review on here. They really are on the money. I must admit though, having read your review of Diana Ross (1976) I think you overlooked a few gems which make the album a real classic… One Love in My Lifetime is excellent. Soulful, upbeat, a real gem. I also love Ain’t Nothing But a Maybe and, of course, Love Hangover. Kiss Me Now is a disaster but otherwise it’s a stellar album.

    Workin’ Overtime could not have been reviewed better in my opinion. The same could be said for Every Day is a New Day and all the 90’s output (when I kept hoping for her to hit the charts here in Australia!)

    Thanks for a great site. I’ve enjoyed reading your reviews and rediscovering some excellent music.

  12. Paul, the following was sent as a response to a comment after your Why Do Fools review. I am not far from being done with all of your reviews, and then am starting over, as I have now had a chance to re-listen (and rediscover!!) a lot of the material referenced. That said, I will try really hard to keep my comments/replies to thoughts that haven’t been expressed yet, and i do have a lot of insight on an “inside” level that can explain some of the questions and thoughts that were left open ended. i will need to be careful not to betray those that I have worked with, etc. here in town and in my business (L.A.– entertainment, film, television), but so far all my insights and comments dont betray any trust or invade the privacy of my friends, acquaintances, co-workers, or Ross herself. so just wanted to introduce myself and warn you of my impending rehash from the beginning of your great project, thanks…

    ricksantamonica says:
    September 24, 2012 at 5:39 pm
    As a fan of Diana Ross since I also was 5, I have greatly enjoyed reading every part of your “Project” thus far, and have been reading in chronological order. My intent was to wait and make various comments, intermittently, once I had enjoyed all of your spot-on reviews. BUT, in reading the above comment that you also discovered her at 5, and yet your discovery was at age 5 in 1982?! A baby, you are! For that alone, my jealousy of your youth should negate my devout following of your site. Instead, I am now even more impressed with your reviews and dedication to this subject. Your words are eloquent, honest and certainly sound as if you, like me, grew up with DR through the 60s, 70s and beyond. That still doesn’t mean I don’t hate you for being 5 in the early 80s.
    Seriously, though, thanks for all your time, hard work and professionalism in handling such a subject matter with the candor and objectivity it deserves. You will hear from me further, like it not, as I also am a resolute follower of Ross’ career and music, and my profession in the entertainment creative community has enabled me some unique DR insights regarding her career and professional struggles. That said, I definitely look forward to your opinions on her less than stellar “missteps” known as the RCA years. A lost career opportunity, if ever there was one. I truly believe Silk Electric, its reviews and dismal display of talents, single handedly, rendered her irrelavent and out of vogue to the American Pop, Youth and Record Buying culture of the time. An amazing feat, considering her string of hits and successful touring that took place just a year and two prior. Especially given the fact that Tina Turner would subsequently hit the scene in a couple of years. Proving an American adversity (pop, youth, culturally and otherwise) in elevating and revearing a middle aged, African American, female recording artist from the 60′s, was nonexistent at the time.

    By the way, I turned 5 in 1969! My career in Hollywood necessitates a little fudging in this department, so my real age is just a technicality anyway. Among my professional community, I am known to have been born in 1973, rather than ’64. So in relation to your site, I guess I can have my cake and eat it too…I personally remember certain points and years of her Supremes and 70′s solo work, while at the same time also “discovering” Diana Ross at age 5, by necessity, during a similar timeframe as yourself. Here’s to you and your fascinating read regarding Diana Ross’ discography. A job superbly executed!!

    • Paul says:

      Hey Rick! Sorry — been a busy week and I’m just getting to all these comments! I am so excited to read more from you — can’t wait to hear what little tidbits you can offer to help us all understand these albums a little better. Thanks for taking the time to comment — and please, share away!

  13. V16TROLA says:

    This is an amazing site and even though i only stumbled across it a couple of months ago, i find myself coming back to it again and again. It truly makes compulsive reading and is making me re-listen and re-evaluate so much of Diana’s music. I hope to be able to add my own little comments here and there, when i can. These analyses of what makes her voice and music so special tie in perfectly with the string of expanded editions and unreleased material we have been fortunate to get hold of over the past few years. Those alone have made me listen to her albums with new ears and to realise the thought and care that went into (most) of them. The reissues coupled with your reviews really make each project jump up and shout “I’m important” !!! The very fact that Diana was recording SO much during the early and mid 70s makes the fact that she can turn out recordings of such high quality with such apparent ease even more impressive. Even the alternate takes that we have been able to hear show her ability to interpret songs in different (but significant) ways and show that she was never just a producer’s puppet just churning out albums because she was told to do so. Keep up the fantastic work !!!

    • Paul says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m glad you’re enjoying this site and my thoughts on Diana’s amazing recording career. Please comment — I’d love to hear your thoughts on these albums and tracks!

  14. pnyc1969 says:

    This magnificent project is an expository version of what has been in my head, heart and, awkwardly, mouth for many years–namely, an in-depth, erudite analysis of Diana as a singer. You have eschewed the YouTube banalities promoted by seemingly insane people: the nonsense labels–Pop Princess, Queen of Motown, Diva Diva Diva– the gossip, the vulgarities and the claims of kinship. This is a gift for the true fan. Here we can indulge and reaffirm our belief that Diana is a singer who ranks with the best of her generation. She is a sensitive and cerebral storyteller whose talent crosses genres. I plan to slowly savor your reviews and comment accordingly. I suspect we will be largely of one mind but as a longtime close listener, I have my own strong opinions, lol. Thank you for your great efforts.


    • Paul says:

      Peter, what a lovely thing to say — thank you! I hope there is new material someday soon for me to return to! It was a pleasure delving deeply into my favorite artist’s songbook.

  15. Tony says:

    Paul…. I didn’t get a chance to thank you for this wonderful journey of a project. I have enjoyed this process of rediscovering Diana Ross all over again. Thank you so very much.

    “Friend to friend” & “Fan to Fan”


    P.s. please tell me you will begin another project.
    Take care

    • Paul says:

      Thank you Tony! Your comments and discussion have been such a big part of this. I’m still deciding what my next move will be — hoping Diana suddenly releases something new SOON for me to write about 🙂

  16. davidh says:

    love this site.u made me fall in love abd rediscover Diana ross all over again

  17. Eric says:

    AMAzing site!

  18. Thank you so very much for a wonderful site! Keep your good work rolling! 🙂

  19. Galen says:

    I was hoping someone could help me out with a date. I remember the day so vividly even though it was 18 years ago. I was living in Atlanta and everyone knew I was a big fan of Diana Ross. And a friend ran up to me and told me Miss Ross was coming to Atlanta’s Chastain Park Amphitheater. The year was 1995. I remember that it was summer — cool but still summer so maybe late July or early August ???

    That day is burned into my memory. But unfortunately the actually date isn’t. This has been bothering me for years so today I want to finally do something about it and actually learn the date. Whenever I am sad, happy, lonely, hurt, mellow or in a simple moment of reflection, my mind always takes me back to that day. I just want to know the actual date. I do know that a few months later I bought her CD “Take Me Higher”. So it was sometime around 1995, Summer/Late Summer, Atlanta, Chastain Park Ampitheatre and her Take Me Higher era.

    I would love for someone, anyone to finally help me secure the accurate date.


  20. Write Zilla says:

    Well aren’t you just as cute as a button? I thought I might have seen a picture of you awhile back with Diana in front of a park named after her on the east coast of USA.

    Diana Ross’ earlier work in my opinion puts her in the high ranking with the greats (Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn , Barbra Streisand, etc.)

  21. Write Zilla says:

    And… I don’t think Diana Ross work has been ignored. This woman has had an incredible singing career. She’s won numerous awards. She’s accepted by and has performed for European royalty. She’s sang with renowned opera singers. Even after 50 years, She can go almost anywhere in the world at some of the most respected venues and sing on stage and be welcomed to do so. How many have a career like that?

  22. absamdb says:

    Hi Paul. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your Diana Ross project – an excellent and illuminating work. I thought I had everything Diana has released but I have discovered a few tracks from reading your pages. I would love to see an analysis of all the Extended Mixes that have been released over the years. Cheers!

  23. Hi Paul! What can I say – wow! This site is just fabulous! I have been a Diana fan for years, and this is one site that is really useful. You have done a marvellous job here, and I see that our taste in Diana is very much the same; some of the “highs” you’ve pointed out happens to be my favorites as well. And I love how you and I also seem to share opinions about songs that aways made me ask “why did she wanna record that thing…?” I have profiled several singers on my own blog, http://www.stianeriksen.com. I never did one on Ross, and now I won’t – it’s not neccessary since you got it all covered here.
    Thanks for doing this – I will certainly follow your updates!
    Regards, Stian M. Eriksen

  24. markus says:

    Hi Paul! I hadn’t been here in ages and just dropped in and caught up on some great postings- you really covered EVERYTHING! I see it’s been a bit since your last posting…have you thought about delving into the 60’s? I hate to see the fun end! Again, brilliant job. Take care. 🙂

  25. Fred Rimando says:

    I just found your site and I think your project is absolutely the greatest! I agree on your assessments and what you are doing. I’m so happy that you are concentrating on her music and not all the other fluffy stuff that other fans seem to want to argue about. I, too, am an avid fan who has been on a personal project as well…to see how many times I can see Diana Ross perform live! I recently went to New York to see her perform at Madison Square Gardens and was at both her appearances at the Montreal Jazz Festival. I’ll be heading down to Indio, CA to see her perform there and again in Oakland…near the place where I live, San Francisco. When she made her first appearance in San Francisco since her days with the Supremes, I was able to get her a proclamation from the Mayor. I also had the chance to meet Tom Adrahtas, who wrote a wonderful book called, “Diana Ross: The Diva and Her Tribe – The Ultimate Collection”, which I was one of the “tribe’s member” who contributed. Please keep up the good work.

  26. 7677james says:

    Hi Paul, ….LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your writing….any thoughts on the 1980’s re-issues? How about that Howard Arlen recordings reference???:)
    all the best,
    James Grattan

  27. will davis says:

    hey paul love the site!

  28. will davis says:

    hi paul love the project!

  29. will davis says:

    was on amazon and found on 10 14 2014 they are rereleasing dianas entire rca albums in 2 disc deluxe editions!

  30. Dave in Denver says:

    WOW, where has this site been all of my life? How awesome is this!!!!!

  31. davidh says:

    have you listened to or reviewed the Diana Ross soundtrack LIVE FROM VEGAS from her 79 special? love this ,think it’s her best live set

  32. David Wilson says:

    Dear Paul,
    First of all thank you for creating this site devoted to the phenomenal body of work Diana Ross has created over the past 50 plus years. I have been a fan since childhood, a little white boy growing up in almost 100% white Scotland in the 60s and 70s. Soul/disco music was my soundtrack and Motown and the music of Diana Ross and the Supremes in particular at the heart of it all. No one could ever describe Diana as the greatest vocalist who ever lived, far from it, but she has a unique unmistakeable voice and a certain glamour and charisma that many other performers/stars lack. During her golden days at Motown she had the support of a massive team behind her led of course by B.G. Unfortunately she decided to leave the company and at this point in my opinion made one poor career decision after another. I’m a massive fan but I find most of her catalogue from 1981 onwards to be mainly 2nd or even 3rd rate and almost unlistenable today. That’s my personal opinion and I know others will differ in fact many fans would vociferously disagree! There are of course a few real gems amongst the post Motown dross but not enough to keep her in the top rank of chart success. For me her greatest works were recorded at Motown between 64-81. Diana has recorded so many iconic tracks and her significant contribution to the development of pop/soul/Motown is never fully acknowledged by the mainstream music commentators in the press while the contribution of other lesser players is inflated by them. These mainly white middle class rock oriented journals have never seen Diana or the Supremes as being “cool” and grudgingly if ever acknowledge their role as trailblazers for other african american artists and female performers in general within the music and entertainment industry or their contribution to the civil rights movement. Diana’s music has given me so much pleasure over the years and now via the internet it is so much easier to reach out and touch other fans across the oceans, continents and generations. Your time effort and creativity in compiling this fansite is greatly appreciated.

    • Paul says:

      David — glad you’re enjoying the site, and thanks for taking the time to comment! Like you, Diana’s music is my “soundtrack” — and I’m constantly rediscovering it, which is what makes writing these articles so much fun. I couldn’t agree more that Diana and the Supremes have been unfairly dismissed by critics around the world, and I hope these posts and all the comments from fans around the world have at least sparked some discussion about the importance of what Miss Ross accomplished during her illustrious career, and the way her music impacted pop culture trends. As for the post-Motown material…well…it’s a mixed bag for sure!!

  33. Alan says:

    This is a lovely post, and I can really relate to it. I do think there are some good tunes post 1981, but the bulk of the better ones were during that first Motown period.

  34. David Wilson says:

    Thanks Alan.
    I agree there are some great recordings made by Diana throughout the 80s and 90s. I’ve enjoyed reading the information and various reviews of Diana’s catalogue on your site. I certainly agree with you regarding the Baby It’s Me album. I remember buying it back in the day and was puzzled that it didn’t perform so well. It is one of her best/most cohesive projects with every cut being top notch. Richard Perry certainly knew how to get the best out of Diana with excellent vocals throughout.

  35. Hello, I am Sidney Furie’s biographer and I am trying desperately to get hold of the behind-the-scenes featurette for Lady Sings the Blues, about which you dedicated a post on your blog. I can be contacted at confluencefilm@gmail.com.

  36. david h says:

    thank you for your reviews of the supremes albums. it takes me back to my younger self and I have ,once again, found myself rediscovering the music. i look forward to your reviews of A GO GO and LET THE SUNSHINE IN, as both are among my least favorites . I await to see if you can change my mind on either as GO GO seems so uneven. some songs sound like the Funk Bros and while are so laid back.

  37. sharon says:

    I am very interested in learning more about Diana Ross, the singer. She is one of my absolute, most favorite entertainers. Bar none!! She, to me, epitomizes true talent and poise. Her grace abd beauty radiates and eminates the stage and screen. Although all of those things are great about Diana Ross, the role of Mother and leader are the roles at this stage of my life most interest me. I never tire of hearing her sing or seeing her act or perform. But Mrs.Ross in her role of Mother and role model just amazes me and inspires me so.. I love her to pieces.. She has and will always me my inspiration and “friend in my mind and heart”, most respectfully, Sharon Folk. Hey, do you think I could ever in my wildest dreams meet her.. The One and Only Diana Ross, ” Femme Extraordinare??!!” 😘

  38. Adrian says:

    If you have any contacts on MS.ROSS
    It would greatly appreciated. I have a song I would like to send her, or a track
    I should say.

  39. david h says:

    I was curious as to what you thought of the Supremes music after DR left the group. I thought they had some really good moments ,especially my favorite lp TOUCH. would you ever consider reviewing those albums or some of them

    • Paul says:

      Hey David! I think the quality of the group’s work in the 1970s was uneven, but the ladies had some great moments. I also like TOUCH and FLOY JOY quite a bit, and I think there were some really nice Mary-led songs later in the decade (I love “Don’t Let Me Teardrops Bother You”). I would definitely consider writing about those albums, if I felt there was interest enough from readers.

  40. Hi Paul, and thank you so much for all that you do on your site. You reviews are spot on, and I absolutely agree with every thing that you have written here. I am a 58 year old man from St. Louis. I was only six years old when the Supremes released “Where Did Our Love Go”, I was hooked from the very first time that I heard them on the radio, and watching them on the Ed Sullivan was total magic. Again I just want to say thanks for all that you are doing here, you are playing a very important role by keeping the music alive.

    • Paul says:

      This is great — thank you so much for your kind words! I envy you getting to watch The Supremes on “Ed Sullivan” and experiencing their popularity during the 1960s — it must have been such an exciting time. Thanks for reading along and taking the time to comment!

  41. Eddie Scott says:

    Just discovered your web site today. It’s very well done with insightful reviews and information about Diana’s career. One question, are you going to do reviews of the last LPs that Diana did with The Supremes (“Cream Of The Crop” & “Farewell”)?

    • Paul says:

      Thanks, Eddie. Yes, those are coming. I post them as I write them! I had done all of Diana’s solo LPs first, and then have gone back to do the Supremes albums. Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

      • Eddie Scott says:

        That’s great; look forward to reading your thoughts on those albums. Keep up the good work.

  42. 60spopfan says:

    Hi Paul! Really enjoying your blog–very thorough. It’s great to read reviews of DR’s work that has some depth rather than the typical rock journalist reviews on allmusic.com.

    If you are ever interested, I host a radio show in Cleveland, OH called “C’est La Mode,” where I play mostly ’60s/early ’70s stuff including a lot of Diana/Motown. Check it out. http://www.wruw.org/program/cest-la-mode Might be fun to have you on as a guest at some point!

  43. david h says:

    have you done a review of Live FROM LAS VEGAS.
    as you know this is the soundtrack to her 1979 hbo special, my personal fav tour

  44. David h says:

    What do you think of the expanded a go goi was really surprised as I was never a fan of the original album. Awaiting your review.

  45. Steven says:

    WHAT AN AMAZING PROJECT PAUL! I So far I have only read your analysis of the Funny Girl album and it is the ideal kind of liner notes one would like to have with all CD sets. I look forward to reading your work on the rest of the albums. You are so right: WHO CARES what goes on behind the scenes, all that counts are the artistry of and the pleasure that DR brings to her fans all over the world and still continues to do so!

  46. ernie alderete says:

    Thank you for your excellent work. I enjoyed reading your review of The Supremes Produced and Arranged by Jimmy Webb. While I’m sure Mary Wilson was right when she said she never saw Jean Terrell happier than when they recorded this album, that does not mean Jean liked the album as released.
    Jean told me she was shocked by the end product. She personally recorded the sessions for herself, she told me Jimmy Webb went back into the studio alone and remixed the entire album and added the additional voices.
    I think Motown didn’t release any of the Jimmy Webb songs because they didn’t seem faithful to the group, not because they weren’t good, or hit material.

    True, the name of the album was originally Beyond Myself. I agree it was the weakest song of the set, as if Jean Terrell’s voice cracked half way through. Painful to listen to.

    It was also very true that the album cover unfortunately hurt sales.
    It failed to reinforce the group image as every previous album cover had.

    I went to Motown and asked them to release Love Train in the United States about this time.
    The single was available only in Europe back then, to my surprise Motown did just as I asked.

  47. danwestpark says:

    Hi from accross the “pond”. I absolutely love this web, been following for 3 years now. Appreciate the painstaking hard work, as a lifelong fan since the age of 14 when a neighbour introduced me to Ms Ross’ version of “Come Together” the Beatles cover I consult these pages whenever I’ve heard any song covered by these pages on my ipod (yeah still using this old format).
    Favourite track…too many but “Love Me” sultry goergous and seductive… and I’m gay! Also love “High Energy” the ’75 Supreems track

  48. Michael brady says:

    Great write up on Ms Ross, have you any information on how well , thank you is doing in Europe and more so in the UK . I love the track , it’s fresh funky feel good , if you didn’t know it was selected as BBC radio 2 record of the week, so great do have nationwide airplay everyday ! Will it move into the charts ?… what ever happens roll on the thank you tour UK 2022

  49. Kurt Costello says:

    True Fan Of the Living Legend
    MS.DIANA ROSS ,I discovered Her Music as a child in the 80s she won me over from the film THE WIZ ,so down went my DONNA SUMMER POSTER and MS.ROSS along with PARLIMENT was all I listened too ,it was her films and seeing a African American Woman who reminded me of the GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD FILMS, where all the Wonem were Rich and Classy with Style, she was like them and it made me Proud , then I started to look into her LEGENDARY work with The SURPEMES, I then srated to collect all here albums. my first was Diana ROSS Swept Away LP and till today She has never let ME down. LPs diana EATEN ALIVE WORKING OVERTIME was her BEST Work, and Every Day is a new Day and TAKE ME HIGHER ,,SHE’S SO AWESOME and A GREAT ACTRESS , OUT OF DARKNESS was a SHOCKER that Film Scared me, i never seen a movie like that and her performance was outstanding ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ms. ROSS is so overlooked just like All the Great African American Women are they’re forgotten ,BUT what makes Ms. Ross differnt is here Determination , like her Classic Song with the TEMPTATIONS ,” IM GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME” ,and she keep her promise in doing so .Thank You Ms. ROSS…👏👏👏

  50. Kurt Costello says:


  51. david wilson says:

    Paul, I’m certain you will be aware that Diana is headlining this Saturday June 4th THE Maine vent celebrating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Concert at Buckingham Palace in the presence of the Queen and the Royal Family. The event is being broadcast live across the globe to millions. This will be the most prestigious gig in Diana’s long career. Along with her forthcoming Glastonbury gig it should result in a sales spike for her back catalogue and her latest fantastic album and current single.

  52. Lee says:

    Nice site. Good work. Thanks for including the post-Ross Supremes.

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